The Best of Zagreb Festival of International Animation: Program II

Balance (Christoph and Wolfgang Lauenstein, W. Germany, 7:21 mins). Darkness, Light, Darkness/Tma, svetlo, tma (Jan Svankmajer, Czechoslovakia, 7 mins). Snowie and the Seven Dorps (Candy Kugel, Vincent Cafarelli, USA, 8:30 mins). Salome (Maurizio Forestieri, Italy, 1:30 mins). The Reading Room (John Schnall, USA, 4:30 mins). Wearing Off/Tocirea (Radu Igaszag, Romania, 7 mins). Black Hula (Marv Newland, Canada, 4:42 mins). Feet of Song (Erica Russell, Great Britain, 5:20 mins). Freedom of the Leg/Wolnosc Nogi (Piotr Dumala, Poland, 10 mins). Knickknack (John Lasseter, USA, 3:47 mins). Tummy Trouble (Rob Minkoff, Walt Disney Animation, USA, 7:44 mins). The Wasted Call (11 mins, 16mm, No other information). Monster (Tanya Weinberger, USA, 4 mins, 16mm). Eternity (Sheryl Sardina, Canada, 1:48 mins, 16mm).

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