Far from Vietnam

(Loin de Vietnam) This groundbreaking collaboration (by Klein, Jean-Luc Godard, Claude Lelouch, Joris Ivens, Chris Marker and Alain Resnais) was produced as a fundraiser for the Vietnamese. Klein filmed the sole U.S. sequence, focusing on Norman Morrison, an American Quaker who, following the example of Vietnamese Buddhist monks, set himself on fire in a final protest. Klein examines what his death meant to his family and to the North Vietnamese. The film also concerns itself with a nation divided, recording one of the country's largest anti-war marches. "The challenge inherent in this sequence is as clear today as it was twenty years ago, and it stands in direct contrast to the coquettish simplicity of the Resnais and Godard episodes in the film" (Jonathan Rosenbaum).

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