Shoot for the Contents

Trinh T. Minh-ha in Person Presented with support from the Theresa Hak Kyung Cha Endowment. Trinh Minh-ha is a preeminent independent filmmaker and theorist on film, feminism and art. She is presently teaching as the Chancellor's Distinguished Professor in Women's Studies at Berkeley, and is Associate Professor of Cinema at San Francisco State University. Shoot for the Contents builds its layers of inquiry upon/around Chairman Mao's principle of "letting a hundred flowers blossom and a hundred schools of thought contend." "The film is an excursion into the maze of allegorical naming and storytelling in China...(It) ponders questions of power and change, politics and culture, as refracted by the Tienanmen Square event...Sounds and voices punctuate the visual space, layering two women's dialogue with folk songs, the sayings of Mao and Confucius, and the words of artists, philosophers, as well as other cultural workers. Like traditional Chinese opera, the film unfolds through the interplay of 'bold omissions and minute depictions' to render the 'real in the illusory and the illusory in the real.' (This) freedom in cinematic documentation...also materializes on screen the shifts of interpretation in Chinese contemporary culture and politics." --Trinh Minh-ha

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