Moya babushka (My grandmother)

Alternate title(s): Moya babushka, Chemi bebia
Foreign Title:
Date: January 01, 1929 to February 01, 1930, January 01, 1976 to February 01, 1977
Dates Note: 1929
Country of Origin: USSR
Place of Origin: Soviet Union
Languages: Russian
Color: B&W
Silent: Yes
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Curator Notes

Film Series/Exhibition Title: 
The Art of Cinematography

Gogol meets Charlie Chaplin in this riotous, scathingly antibureaucratic satire. My Grandmother is a genuine piece of grotesquerie descended from the Soviet Eccentric Cinema (FEKS) of the twenties. For invention, it matches any film of the French avant-garde, taking in all kinds of advanced filmic devices such as stop-motion, bits of puppetry, and animation, as well as expressionist decor and camera angles. The energetic music track will have you dancing a Soviet-style Charleston along with the film’s most memorable character, a wide-eyed, wild-haired bureaucrat’s wife who is caught up in a frenzy of bourgeois living. Her equally comic husband personifies the indolence, irrelevance, and obduracy of a state system that resembles nothing so much as a giant scoreboard, winding down. When he loses his job, he learns the true value of a “grandmother”—a slang term for the patronage and privilege that keep the machine greased. What are we to think when, at the film’s end, he is reprimanded by a Lenin-like worker, shot from the ground so that he looks ten feet tall? Suppressed for half a century, this irreverent blast has lost none of its immediacy.


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