…And God Created Woman

One of the most famous French films of the 1950s, Roger Vadim's …And God Created Woman stars Brigitte Bardot as a blonde, sexually restless 18-year-old who flirts with a middle-aged shipyard owner (Curt Jurgens) before getting entangled with an older brother/younger brother pair (Christian Marquand and Jean-Louis Trintignant)-one of whom she marries before sleeping with the other. According to Georges Sadoul in Dictionary of Films: 
“This was Vadim's first feature and he made a spectacularly successful debut by launching Brigitte Bardot in the U.S.A. . . . Though Vadim later fell prey to commercializing sexual themes, this first film of his has a special significance. It broke the stranglehold of the established producers in France who, awed by the film's success, allowed the Nouvelle Vague breakthrough.”

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