Across Generations

A Random Life (Tsao Wen-Chieh, 1998): A whimsical and passionate account of a mother-son relationship across a theatrical divide-the mother, a defiant Taiwanese opera star (in the male role) and the son, an up-and-coming avant-garde theater troupe director and performer. Local Culture Documentary Award, 1998. (27 mins, Video) As Life, As Pang-cah (Mayaw Biho, 1998): An intimate dialogue between a 93-year-old Ah-mei tribal chieftain and an indigenous filmmaker becomes a tranquil oral history. Through word and song, the elder recounts the ways of the Ah-mei and his frustrated attempts to defend traditional culture against Taiwan's encroaching modernity. (28 mins, Video)Sakuliu (Daw-Ming Lee, 1994): To Sakuliu, a young Paiwan tribesman, inheriting the knowledge of traditional Paiwan craftsmanship from his elders is critical in a world that is increasingly driven by selfish desires. In his quest for cultural revival this young artist is devoted to learning the Paiwan ways of wood sculpture, pottery, and hunting, and to the hope that his own descendants maintain their identity as Paiwan people. (78 mins, 16mm)

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