After Winter

"This reverent and absorbing documentary about the famous Black poet, Sterling Brown, is an unusual production, guided by the expatriate Ethiopian film director, Haile Gerima. Mr. Gerima and his students at Howard University's cinema department have created an unembellished series of conversations with the venerable (85-year-old) poet. Sterling Brown, long associated with the Department of English at Howard, proves to be a mixture of professorial seer and omniscient social and literary historian. As a key figure of the artistic Renaissance in Harlem during the 1920s, Professor Brown reminisces about the role of the poet in society, citing artists like Jean Toomer and Langston Hughes; about the musical influences of Duke Ellington; and the intellectual Brahmin of Black Culture, Alain Locke. What finally emerges is the humanism, as well as the wit and wisdom of Sterling Brown himself, a pundit for all seasons, dedicated to teaching as an art. He reads from his poetry, and describes the autobiographical content of his work in "After Winter," one of his poems. It is Sterling Brown's presence and eloquence that makes the film one of the strongest evocative works about an enduring Black American poet." Albert Johnson

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