Saturday, May 18, 2002
The Agony of Love
Introduced by Eric Schaefer
(a.k.a. From Lady to Tramp). Wearing a sequined cocktail dress and sharp stiletto heels, buxom Barbara (Pat Barrington) runs through Tinsel Town moaning, "How did this happen to me? I had everything!" What has happened is hubby Barton (Sam Taylor), an influential businessman, no longer cares for his comely consort. Filled with self–loathing, Barbara keeps a secret abode which she uses to entertain men, eagerly taking each john's dough. The uplifting story was developed by Harry Novak, producer of dozens of sexploitation films. Here credited as Harry H. Hershey, he has a coy cameo-look for the guy with the dapper ascot. Miss Barrington, one of the first of the surgically enhanced starlets, was form–fit for the role of Barbara, a low–rent version of Catherine Deneuve in Belle de Jour. When bountiful Barbara isn't indulging in anonymous sex, she's entangled in a recurring nightmare where faceless men fondle her in a flutter of cash. It's pure silicone–powered poetry.
Eric Schaefer is an assistant professor at Emerson College and the author of Bold! Daring! Shocking! True! A History of Exploitation Films, 1919-1959
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