
Preceded by shorts: Manly Games (1988, 14 mins): A soccer match in which balls bang off coffins more often than goalposts, and "taking out a man" is literal. Darkness, Light, Darkness (1989, 7 mins): Svankmajer takes creation into his own hands in clay animation. Death of Stalinism (1990, 10 mins): Summing up a lifelong struggle against Communism: an iconoclastic and humorous look at the myth and mythic downfall of Stalinism in Czechoslovakia. (All Color, 35mm, From First Run) ---------------------------------------------Svankmajer fulfilled a lifetime ambition in this personal interpretation of Alice In Wonderland. When screened at the Bristol Animation Festival, Zuzana Princova noted: "Alice acknowledges its debt to Lewis Carroll, but it is far more than just a version of the proto-surrealist story. Familiar themes of magic, cruelty, and childhood are explored by young actress Kristinka Kohoutova and a cast of beautifully animated and sinister puppets."

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