Tuesday, Oct 1, 1996
Alternative Requirements 1996: Recent Works from BayArea Film and Videomakers
Artists in Person This year's AlternativeRequirements program features a selection of recently completed (1995-96)experimental works by Bay Area film and video artists. These works areprovocative and innovative in both subject matter and form. Elements within thesepieces range from ambient explorations of landscape and technology, tomeditations on the materiality of film, playful experiments with narrative andmontage, and the probing of social and cultural taboos. Nevertheless, these filmsand videos resist ultimate categorization in demonstrating the commitment theartists have to creating a personal artistic vision. Tonight's program, curated by Jason Alley, Jeremy Berger, Rafael DelToro, Janet Martinez, Christine Metropoulos, and Charles White as part of aninternship offered by the UC Berkeley Film Studies program and Pacific FilmArchive, features work from San Francisco State University, San Francisco ArtInstitute, Stanford University, and UC Berkeley. Thanks to Kemala Karmen,Margaret Kelly, and Will Street for their assistance.-Christine Metropoulos,Janet Martinez I Can't See by Howie Cherman (1.21 mins,B&W, 3/4" video). Newton's Law by Jessica Sison (7 mins). Camera PeriodEarth. by Henrik Johns and Cecilia Tonisson (13 mins, B&W). You Are There byJess Fulton (3 mins, Color/B&W, Sound on cassette). Process by Carrie Lozano(1995, 3 mins, B&W, Silent). The Track by Steven Mullikin (1996, 6 mins,Super-8mm). 6.95: striptease by Brian Frye (1995, 3.5 mins, Color/B&W,Silent). my sister bleeds or bring your little ass over here and let me stick itin your bunghole by Shane Valentino, conceptual collaborator Lindsey Valentino(1995, 11 mins, Color/B&W, 16mm, Super-8, Slides). Technorgania by ChristianDivine (8 mins, VHS, Silent). B by Clifford Liu (1995, 3.5 mins, B&W). Agonalby Eduardo Morell (6 mins, B&W). Phobic by Tena Scalph (14 mins, B&W,16mm). Emily, Greensborough, 1995 by Andres Sanz (1995, 6 mins,B&W).
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