Saturday, Mar 5, 1983
America--From Hitler to M-X
Joan Harvey's America--From Hitler to M-X is a film statement about the aims of U.S. foreign policy, and an exposé of America's top level corporate and banking links with fascism over sixty years. The film documents the real history of America's industrialist support of Hitler as early as the 1930s in the effort to destroy Communism and gain world domination. It goes on to indict the U.S. as aggressor in today's international move to war. At the 1982 London Film Festival, where it showed under its original title, America--From Hitler to Reagan, the film was described as "a powerful, hard-edged new anti-nuclear film from the director and producers who made We Are the Guinea Pigs, the film about Three Mile Island. This is a far bigger and more ambitious film, an urgent, insistent warning about the increasing dangers of nuclear annihilation because of the current escalation of the arms race. Director Joan Harvey does not want to entertain audiences, she wants to scare the hell out of them. Interview after interview with experts in all areas relating to nuclear 'defense' drives home the point that nuclear policy is first strike offensive oriented, not retaliation control. And the interviewees, from German generals to American biologists, are extremely convincing. This is a real horror film; it documents not only the role of large corporations in nuclear policy but the exploitation of Indians, workers and soldiers exposed to radioactivity in their jobs. The film ends with a plan and a plea for peace."
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