American Video Art, 1978-1988: Doug Hall

Artist in Person Doug Hall's explorations of power and its icons have led him from a grassy knoll inDallas to the halls of the Stasi. Working often on a grand scale, Hallhas compiled a "theory of the spectacle," enumerating the waysin which political authority permeates the culture of images. As amember of the collective T. R. Uthco, Hall created The Eternal Frame(1975, 23:50 mins), the legendary re-enactment of the J.F.K.assassination in Daley Plaza, which satirically analyzed the way inwhich a loaded event evolves into myth. In 1980, collaborating with ChipLord of Ant Farm fame, he completed The Amarillo News Tapes (25 mins),an astute dissection of the media's reductive artifice. A later seriesof short works, among them This Is the Truth (1982, 3:30 mins) and TheseAre the Rules (1983, 4:39 mins), debunked the rhetoric and pageantry ofcontemporary politics. With Prelude to the Tempest (1985, 15 mins), Hallbegan a lyrical study that involves Man's conception of Nature as atechnologized metaphor for our civilized failings. Alongside thesesingle-channel works, Hall also will show slides of his many videoinstallations and discuss their genesis.-Steve Seid

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