Tuesday, Apr 3, 2007
Anthology Film Archives: Recent Preservations
Andrew Lampert in Person
Andrew Lampert is an archivist and programmer at Anthology Film Archives, as well as an active filmmaker working in the area of performance.
A longtime pillar of the New York City and international arts communities, Anthology Film Archives is perhaps best known for its Essential Cinema series, a 330-title repertory screening cycle devoted to avant-garde and independent film classics. Established in 1968, Anthology has collected thousands of unique, historic films and videos, operates a two-screen theater/performance space, and houses an exhaustive research library with more than a million documents, periodicals, and books. Central to its mission is preservation, with approximately 700 titles preserved or restored to date. These works range from recognized experimental masterpieces to underappreciated, handmade films by artists and amateurs alike. Tonight's mostly silent, genre-hopping program gathers together a wide selection of aesthetic approaches and varieties of personal expression, focusing on key artists of the sixties and seventies. From a 35mm animation by Harry Smith and the earliest 8mm work of George Landow to a newly discovered short by Marie Menken, the exquisitely photographed images of Hilary Harris, and a stunning new print of Carolee Schneemann's landmark Fuses, this show includes many prints that can usually only be seen at Anthology.
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