Aqua and Wild Wheels

Aqua (Samba Felix Ndiaye, Senegal, 1989). There is an art to recycling, as this lovely short film demonstrates: a real-time picture of a Senegalese man creating something-what will it be?-out of bottles, rocks and water. (11 mins, Color, 16mm) Wild Wheels (Harrod Blank, USA, 1992). Show car on display in the Sculpture Garden! Blank traverses the country to find fellow car artists-people who, like himself, decorate their automobiles as elaborate expressions of their personalities and passions. In addition to its obvious visual pleasures, Wild Wheels allows each artist to reflect upon the impetus for designs which are inherently anomalous-a car covered with growing grass, one adorned with plastic fruit (a sort of Car-men Miranda), another aglow with neon light bulbs. In some cases, car art is an expression of a joyful alienation; in others, however, a trauma is the basis for a bizarre fixation, funnelled into a bold, aggressive expression that hurts no one. There is an eerie-but-okay feeling about the "Button King" who rationally "explains" the passion for buttons which came upon him one night, and leaves us wondering what really happened; another man whose devotion to a dead wife results in a bejeweled shrine on wheels; and another for whom childhood abuse results in his having become a traveling clown. (64 mins, Color, 16mm, From Tara Releasing)

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