Tuesday, Oct 3, 1995
Art for Teachers of Children
Avant-garde filmmaker Jennifer Montgomery's first dramaticfeature is a low-budget film drawing on her affair as afourteen-year-old with photographer Jock Sturgis. Fifteen years later,she was re-involved when he stood accused of being a child pornographerin a case that generated much publicity and debate. The majority of thefilm is set in an East Coast boarding school where twenty-eight-year-oldJohn Goddard (Duncan Hannah) is Jennifer (Caitlin Grace McDonnell)'sdorm head. He photographs her; she watches him watching her. The rolesof artist and model undergo complex permutations within the narrativeand through the making of the film. At age fourteen, Jennifer"chooses" John to lose her virginity to; now she chooses himas the subject of her film. He is now her model, used to raise questionsabout consent, about who acts on whom in relationships and in art.-KathyGeritz Art for Teachers of Children will open atthe UC Theater, Berkeley (See UCTheater).
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