• Tuesday, Oct 28, 1986


Ascension of the Demonoids with The "X" People

Preceded by The "X"People (1985, 20 min, Print from George Kuchar). Funk titles, schlock dress, art deco sets, kitschimages, weirdly wondrous virago of film effects and strings of juicypastiche. GK is back with his 1960+ venue. How else could we ask hisfilm to begin?.... While we brood on reality in the gutter, ourmentality is swept along by disparate romantic ideals not realizable.The filmmaker's strength is a faith in pleasure for all even if it hasto take place in the mind. We get congenitally deformed earthlings,starmen in black, darkly space masters, commercial clowns, Big Foot anda sex crazed USAF; yet the film carries an impossibly trusting cosmicmessage of wellbeing.... What we come to is a romantic, escapist appealto feeling, to leave a grim life getting worse in this decade ofdisillusioning expectations. The GK forte is to throw away nonsequitursand mix in unexpected tensions improvised by editing in ellipticalimages and editing out progressive plot development. This film is a codato a five-film UFO series made when that was the right thing to talkabout. Together they are a reflexive apocalypse to our cultural imagesthat deserve to be edited as an apocryphal legend. Albert Gwin

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