Sunday, Sep 11, 1988
Ashik Kerib
As we go to press, Ashik Kerib remains unconfirmed. If unavailable, a feature by Andrei Tarkovsky will be substituted. Please phone the PFA tape (642-1124) for confirmation. This is a true trans-Caucasus venture: produced by a Georgian studio, and directed by an ethnic Armenian who selected Azerbaijan as the language of his film. As if to combine Sayat Nova and Shadows of Our Forgotten Ancestors, here is a film about art and the all-conquering power of love. Ashik Kerib, a poor singer and saz (Turkish guitar) player, sings songs glorifying the ancient knights. When he is denied the hand of the woman he loves, the only daughter of a wealthy Turk, he sets out on a ten-year journey, on the promise that during this time his love will not marry another. The film recounts the adventures of the wandering minstrel. "Life, which easily turns into a dream, and the dream which easily turns into life, with all its inexplicabilities and intuitions, mysterious prophesies of misfortune and happiness, the ability to foresee the future or the belief in inevitable retribution-all this has been defined by Alberto Farassino as the 'Magic Surrealism' in Paradjanov's work. This method was used to an even greater extent in (his) latest film, Ashik Kerib, based on a story of the same name by Mikhail Lermontov. In Paradjanov's own mystic tradition and symbolic language, the story is transformed into real and invented, magnificent, all-eclipsing art." (Kora Zereteli, for Munich Film Festival)
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