Awakening from the 20th San Francisco

San Francisco is at once a functional and a mythic landscape. Selected by Chip Lord, this program imagines 21st century urban space as it wavers between those extremes. In Optic Nerve's prescient Pushed Out for Profit (1978, 12 min excerpt of 28 mins) skyrocketing real estate prices put pressure on working people in the Mission District-a circumstance that describes the present, but occurred more than twenty years ago. Anthony Liu's Straight, No Chaser (1999, 8 mins) navigates the city at night with a young woman who connects her fears and dreams to the physical space of transit. Saturation by Kara Hearn (2000, 8 mins) contrasts the intimate space of home with the outside world that envelops it. Scott Stark's Unauthorized Access (1993, 30 mins) documents a guerrilla action: climbing to the top of downtown S.F. skyscrapers in order to capture the view from the roof, a vista denied to the public at street level. Chip Lord's essay, Awakening from the 20th Century (1999, 35 mins), asks people engaged in the virtual life, such as John Sanborn, Rebecca Solnit, and Ellen Ullman, how they use the city. Visual sequences traverse San Francisco using human-powered transport to present an image of city space that is transformative, celebratory, and above all else, public.-Steve Seid

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