
This comic strip tease is a true blast from the sixties, even though it is set in the 41st Century, and a total put-on, even though at moments it seems someone forgot to tell Jane Fonda. Never one to take anything lightly, Fonda lends her sobriety to the role of the sex/space queen Barbarella and the result is something of a cross between Bat Man and Alice Does Wonderland. In an age that has outgrown aggression ("the product of a primitive state of irresponsibility") and sex as we know it ("a substitute for ego gratification"), Barbarella must be secretly keeping in shape for she takes to both like a duck to water when duty calls. Alice's anti-Wonderland is the planet Sogo (presumably the intersection of Sodom and Gomorrah), controlled by the Matmus, an underground energy source which thrives on evil, negativity, and spoofs of every latter-day horror film from Village of the Damned to The Birds. ("What's that screaming?" Barbie wonders aloud, "A good many dramatic situations begin with screaming.") With lots of glass bubbles (the better to view our Jane, in and out of her silver lamé swimsuits and white go-go boots); a music track that is pure shopping mall torture; and support from John Philip Law as a winged being who "is love" and David Hemmings as an absent-minded revolutionary, "Barbarella psychedelia" reminds us that today's kitsch is tomorrow's classic.

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