Bardo and Other Visual Music Animations

KINETICA 3Tonight we explore "visual music" animation by a number of contemporary independent animators. Most thrilling is a new film by Jordan Belson, Bardo, that articulates the Buddhist waiting-period between death and rebirth in lush and subtle images. Ying Tan, who assisted Belson as editor on Bardo, is represented by two short animations of her own, Elements in Transformation #1 and #2. The techniques of the artists represented in this program range from the most simple-Mar Elepano's hand-drawn-on-film impressions of Vivaldi's Winter and hand-drawn animations of Sky David's Luma Nocturna, to Al Jarnow's Cubits and Paul Glabicki's Object Conversation. We also present work by Richard Reeves, Joost Rekveld, Ed Zajec, Chris Casady, Larry Cuba, and others.-The iotaCenter

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