Saturday, May 12, 2001
Baron Münchausen
Preceded by short:The Fabulous World of Karel Zeman (Zdenek Rozkopal, Czechoslovakia, 1962): We become part of Zeman's enchanting world, captivated by his magic at the same time as we learn how he does it, behind the scenes in his animation studio. Photographed by Jaromir Sofr, Z. Hrubec. Music by Zdenek Liska. (20 mins, In Czech with English subtitles, Color, 35mm)(Baron Prásil). The whimsical Baron Mü;nchausen mistakes a modern-day astronaut for a lost moon man and leads him on a series of miraculous adventures, riding on seahorses, battling the sultan's armies, and romancing the beautiful Princess Bianca. Zeman's lovely, humorous version of Gottfried Bü;rger's classic tale is like a nineteenth-century magic lantern show brought to life. "Zeman captures perfectly the sense of wonderment in (Gustave Doré's illustrations for an edition of Bü;rger's novel) by using live action against a series of fairy-tale backgrounds...the film's visual pyrotechnics are both fascinating and enchanting." (Monthly Film Bulletin) Grand Prize, International Days of Youth, Cannes '64.
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