Battling Butler

Keaton remarked on occasion that Battling Butler was his best feature. Based on a Broadway play, the story revolves around a case of mistaken identity between two Alfred Butlers--one, an effete millionaire (Keaton, with Snitz Edwards a delight as his valet); the other, the heavyweight champion of the world (Francis McDonald). Coincidence brings them to the same backwoods Kentucky hamlet where Butler-the-fop finds love with a mountain girl, but not before antagonizing Butler-the-brute into a Madison Square Gardens grudge match. Commentators have noted that the very unfunny climactic fight sequence draws on Keaton's memories of being battered on stage by his father. Luis Buñuel wrote about Battling Butler:"A wonderful film. Aseptic. Disinfectant....Here is a great specialist in treating the disease called sentiment."

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