Sunday, Jul 30, 1995
Battling Butler with The Railrodder and Buster Keaton Rides Again
The Railrodder (Gerald Potterton, Canada, 1965). This film offers a double treat: Keaton's physical humor and Canada's gorgeous scenery from coast to coast. One of Keaton's last films, The Railrodder has him crossing Canada in a railroad handcar. He brings along an apparently bottomless box in which he finds everything needed for the trip. Not a word is spoken, and Keaton's sight gags are as spry and ingenious as they were in the days when not a word was spoken. Winner of several film-festival awards including Berlin. Produced by National Film Board of Canada. With Buster Keaton. (25 mins, Color, 35mm, From NFBC) Buster Keaton Rides Again (John Spotton, Canada, 1965). Filmed during the making of , in the specially appointed passenger coach where Buster and Mrs. Keaton reside during their Canadian film assignment. In this informal study the comedian regales the film crew with anecdotes of a lifetime in show business, illustrated by excerpts from his silent films. Seven festival awards, including Venice, New York. With Buster Keaton. (55 mins, B&W, 16mm, Produced by/From NFBC)
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