
Another fascist-dog fable, this time from France. Baxter is a bull terrier, raised in a kennel and sent from owner to owner in a suburban town. Narrating his own story "in a creepy sort of canine-noir tone of single-minded baleful desire" (Dennis Harvey), Baxter wonders "if I'll ever find a human like me-one who doesn't love, or fear." In the care of a schoolboy whose fascination with fascism goes beyond war toys, Baxter becomes the vehicle for the boy's little-Hitler fetish. And he is happy: "He commands, I obey. I have no more unnatural thoughts. I am glad." However, "as a dog, Baxter has his elemental needs and desires for mutual loyalty. When the trust is violated, he becomes as dangerous-and as victimized-as any propaganda-saturated human pushed too far....A strange and mordant film that uses the least expected means to make a disturbingly powerful do nothing less than chart the origins of a fascist mindset..." (Dennis Harvey, The Daily Californian)

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