• Tuesday, Jun 28, 1983



Berlin Nights: New "New" German Cinema

This program of new movements in German experimental filmmaking has been selected by Alf Bold, director of The Arsenal Cinema in Berlin and one of the directors of the Forum of Young Film at the Berlin International Film Festival. It represents a selection of new work being made all over Germany. At one time, most of the experimental work was being made in Hamburg (by Wyborny, Emigholz, Herbst, Nekes, Dore O), but now one can see such work all over the country. Many of the films in this program are made by women, dealing particularly with female aesthetics. Three of the films are from the Berlin Film School, which has had a history of producing only political documentaries. But during the last years, a radical change has come about towards a more experimental film language, developed mostly by female students there (Aurand, Jahn, Rose S.M.).
Film notes with statements by the filmmakers will be provided at the screening.
As Time Goes By by Rosi S.M. (1982, 30 mins); Schattennacht (Shadownight) by Ebba Jahn (1981, 8 mins); Kool Killer by Pola Reuth (1981, 8 mins); Exekution: A Story of Mary by Elfi Mikesch (1979, 28 mins); Sydney an der Wupper--Dreamtime (Sydnye on Wupper--Dreamtime) by Bettina Woernle (1982, 45 mins, Color); Schweigend Ins Gesprach Vertieft (Talking Silently) by Ute Aurand (1981, 7 mins).

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