Big As Life: An American History of 8mm Films, Program 5

The PFA and San Francisco Cinematheque's ongoing series of artists' 8mm films and videotapes, adapted from The Museum of Modern Art, New York's fifty-program retrospective, continues with a program of four recent super-8mm sound films which use drama and performance to create intimate fantasies and disturbing metaphors of sexual identity. Pelle Lowe's Earthly Possessions is a contemporary gothic depiction of fragmented identity using texts by Emily Brontë; and Elizabeth Barrett Browning; Dark, Scenes from the Barn, by Robert Huot, superimposes bucolic barnyard activities with jarring images of hidden desire; Anie Stanley's Our Us We Bone One So Naked Known is a raucous, young women's burlesque-fantasy on aggressive sexuality; and Tom Rhoads (a.k.a. Luther Price)'s Warm Broth is a libidinally obsessed, nightmare ode to his mother.-Steve Anker

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