Tuesday, May 25, 1999
Big As Life: An American History of 8mm Films, Program 8
The PFA and San Francisco Cinematheque's series of artists' 8mm films and videotapes, adapted from The Museum of Modern Art, New York's retrospective, continues. In tonight's program, the details of daily life are seen and transformed through movie magic into visually and emotionally charged plays of light. Ellen Gaine's Fragment is a rhapsody of water waves. Michael Mideke's three short camera rolls, Begonia Room, Walk, and Train Ride, create layered tapestries of different movements within cinematic space. Unconscious London Strata by Stan Brakhage is a 16mm record of the filmmaker's 8mm responses to the dis-ease and dislocation of finding himself on London's streets. Local filmmaker Nathaniel Dorsky's 17 Reasons Why creates a dancing interplay of four 8mm images focusing on city-street objects and activities.-Steve Anker, Jytte Jensen
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