Friday, Jun 16, 1989
The Big Sleep with cartoon short Porky's Movie Mystery
Porky's Movie Mystery: Animation by Robert Clampett. Warner Brothers. (1939, 7 mins, B&W, 35mm, Print from Films Inc.) We have come to expect the truth from The Word, on the page or on a soundtrack; but Howard Hawks, and Raymond Chandler before him, busted through all that with The Big Sleep, whose population is at least 50% liars. Hawks' classic is the only film to approach the gallows humor and abrasive romanticism of Chandler's novel, with Bogart at his best as Marlowe the moral, and Bacall as the fast-talking barker who invites him into an impossibly intricate web of blackmail and murder. Even Hawks, it is said, couldn't explain one of the killings, which in any case take a back seat to the sophisticated Marlowe's more pressing task: unraveling the enigmatic psychologies of his enemies and so-called friends. Bacall, for all her whiz-kid repartee, says more with a scratch of a bony knee in this film which represents the height of Hawksian expressiveness, at its core completely physical despite its literary precision.
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