Black and White (Noir et blanc)

"Claire Devers' compelling first film charts the strange relationship of a very ordinary young accountant, married to a sensible wife, who gets a temporary job keeping the books at a health club. One of the fringe benefits is taking advantage of the club's facilities, and the rather weedy young man, played by Francis Frappat, nervously submits to the experience of massage at the hands of the club's black masseur (Jacques Martial). What follows is genuinely unexpected in that Devers omits to show, at first, just what's going on at these massage sessions. We do see the cleaning woman discovering blood on the floor, and Frappat does turn up with a broken arm, but the real extent of the sado-masochistic relationship that's developed between the two men is withheld until the film is well under way. (This disturbing, understated work) indicates in Devers an unusual new talent, and deservedly won the 'Camera d'Or' for Best First Film at Cannes." David Stratton, London Film Festival

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