Black Friday

Car bombs are a staple of today's daily news, but for Western viewers Black Friday may be their first encounter with the day of terror that gripped Bombay in March of 1993. With 270 characters and a complicated story to tell, this is a riveting, fast-paced epic. Anurag Kashyap reconstructs events leading to the day of terror starting first with the bombings, then with the police investigation, as one character after another is tracked down. There's plenty of underlying rage, mostly directed at the role of Pakistan's secret services in transforming a ragtag crew of local Muslims into a lethal team out to avenge the loss of life and property they suffered at the hands of Hindu mobs some six months earlier. No one gets off the hook as we watch ordinary, desperate men turned into crack killers and then left to fend for themselves as the noose of an expanding investigation tightens. The most chilling scenes are police interrogations during which one's sympathies yo-yo unbearably between the chief inspector (Kay Kay Menon) and the hapless perpetrators and their relatives. Black Friday contains perhaps the very best chase scene of all time-on foot.

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