The Blackbird

“We get two Chaneys for the price of one in this unusual little Tod Browning crime drama. He stars as The Bishop, the crippled keeper of a rescue mission, and as his brother, The Blackbird, a Limehouse thief. The story is pretty inconsequential as The Blackbird and his rival, Owen Moore, both go after a diamond collar owned by an aristocrat in an attempt to win the love of a French girl. Renee Adoree is beautiful, as always, as the object of the two crooks' attentions, and as in his other gangland pictures, Browning throws an endless barrage of bizarre and fascinating Limehouse characters at us. Although this is less ambitious than some of the other Browning/Chaney films, it is an entertaining and unpretentious little picture with a few fine performances and a weird twist ending.” Jon Mirsalis

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