Blacks Britannica and Lords of Discipline (SUBSTITUTION)

Blacks Britannica
“A film which creates controversy wherever it is shown because of its relentless indictment of England's brutal policies towards its black citizens. For years, the English government has manipulated and tricked black immigrants, playing them against whites. Hit with the most abuse are black teenagers, children of the immigrant wave, who, having grown up in England, are now being told, irrationally enough, to “go back where you come from.” Without prospects, permanently unemployed, harrassed by the police, abandoned by unions and the Labour Party, despised in the country of their birth, denied even the dream of a future, these kids are profoundly frustrated and filled with an enormous, growing rage. Sporadic acts of violence have occurred. More will take place. An explosion is coming. Censored and suppressed in the United Kingdom and the U.S., Blacks Britannica is a powerful, provocative documentary which exposes and analyzes the conditions black citizens are forced to endure in a deteriorating England

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