Block-Heads with Big Business and Double Whoopee

Tonight's program is a tribute to one of the most marvelous collaborations incinema history, the Laurel & Hardy films produced at MGM by HalRoach, who died last November at the age of one hundred. Cynicism nevervied so valiantly with surrealism as in the personalities, and thefilms, of Laurel & Hardy, and tonight's films, presented in 35mmprints struck from original negatives, offer pleasures on many levels.Block-Heads was the last of the vintage Laurel & Hardy/Hal Roachcomedies. Laurel is a war hero who has held his post twenty years toolong; black humor prevails when Hardy assumes that Laurel has lost a legin the war. Big Business shows that "Laurel & Hardy's world ispopulated by men whose instinct for retaliation far outstrips theirinterest in survival" (J. Viertel). Double Whoopee features ateenage Jean Harlow in her first important screen appearance.

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