Born in East L.A.

Introduced by Rosa Linda Fregoso (Please see April 4 for introduction to Rosa Linda Fregoso.) The "nativism" of the Reagan era, not to mention the cinema's habitual confusion of Mexican American and Mexican, is satirized in Richard "Cheech" Marin's first solo venture without Chong, about an American who is caught up in an INS raid without ID and deported to Tijuana. "It is doubtful many remember that there was a real-life precedent for Marin's parody of Bruce Springsteen's anthemic 'Born in the USA'-namely, a 14-year-old East L.A. native plucked off the street and shipped south by immigration officials" (Hollywood Reporter). "Studio films such as Zoot Suit and Born in East L.A. have been recognized in Mexico and Cuba as exemplars of Latin American cinema even as they reveal the complexities of U.S. citizenship." (Chon A. Noriega)

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