Wednesday, Apr 14, 1999
The Boy Beneath the Sea
One quiet day in a humble fishing village, a young boy walks into the sea, sinking to the depths of the harbor's basin. He is content to just sit there, staring up through the aqueous green at the sun's thinning rays. Other strange things occur as the town in its awe and amazement tries to comprehend the boy's magical disappearance. Combining dramatic text with aquatic video imagery and ambient music, Dean Santomieri intones a seductive story about what happens when we are abruptly visited by the mythical. As a member of such groups as Donkey Boy, Theater of Memory, and Malcolm Mooney and the 10th Planet, Santomieri has worked in performance groups of many colorations. For this evening's piece, he has gathered together three extraordinary musicians: MX-80 founder Bruce Anderson on Chromotone Guitar, electro-acoustical musician David Kwan on Tidal Control, and improvisational percussionist Karen Stackpole. Join us for this new wave in deep-water theater.-Steve SeidAs brackets to this watery tale, we offer two arid companions: Seoungho Cho's Salt Creek (1998, 16:15 mins), a journey through synthesized dunes and sensual sandy reaches joined through a soundscape; and Bill Viola's Déserts (1994, 26 mins), stunning images of desolate salt lakes and chill sea floors orchestrated to a score by Edgar Varèse. (3/4" video, From Electronic Arts Intermix)
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