Brief Eternity: Bay Area Student Film Festival 2009

These kaleidoscopic visions refracted through the media of film and video reflect the way a new generation of college students views the world in 2009. Richie, ELRO, and Guntheearf construct malfunctioning realms, at times playful, at times subversive, while Juncture's top-hatted hero traverses an unsteady digital universe. Bonanza, I Cannot Remember My Mother, and Cotton Sugar burrow through landscapes, revivifying the past through the tactile possibilities of the filmstrip. Tomato displaces human actions onto a vegetable, while an artist reconfigures contemporary social issues through collage in You Have to Understand This Hurts Us Too. The commercialization of color in Color Film contrasts with the abstract poem and painting in Blue Green Yellow White Red Gray. The act of creation is further explored in L'autre côté's ghostlike sketches of the Bay, the rhythmically repeating emulsion-carved figures of Stimulate, and the gloriously mortal light of If We Could Only Die Twice. Through their use of light and darkness, color and black-and-white, abstract and concrete visions, these diverse works create a brief eternity of fading images and embryonic ones not yet fully formed.

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