Friday, Jan 24, 1992
Brimstone and Treacle
Potter goes over the top with the revision of his 1976teleplay, originally banned from broadcast on the BBC. The rock singerSting plays Martin, a menacing young hustler, who cons his way into theBates household. This is the roost of cynical daddy (Denholm Elliot), apublisher of inspirational cards, and pathetically optimistic mumsy(Joan Plowright), caring for her semi-comatose daughter (SuzanneHamilton), victim of a car accident. But this time it is the Bateses whohave reason to be troubled. Martin, the devil's own advocate, has hislascivious eye on the paralyzed Patricia, grown attractive in her utterhelplessness. Potter's subject is not, as it may seem, the seamy side ofseduction, but rather the rigors of belief. The ever-hypocritical Mr.Bates spends his days composing trite, uplifting prose while savoringthe carnal offerings of his secretary; Mrs. Bates refuses to acknowledgethe darker side of life, preferring instead empty prayer. In theblack-humored Brimstone and Treacle, believer and non-believer alike getthe benefit of our doubt.
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