British Award-Winning Commercials-BABA 1988

Once a year we dispense with the programaltogether and concentrate on the commercials-85 of them, allaward-winners from BABA (British Advertising Broadcast Awards, Limited,London). If British ads are known for their witty understatement, stillwhat we see tonight are subjects and treatments that Americanadvertisers wouldn't touch. Condom ads deal directly-in an indirect sortof way-with everyone's most embarrassing subject: romance goes on asawkwardly as ever while subtitles reveal what each participant is reallythinking ("I don't want to catch anything," etc.). A series ofanti-drunk driving public-service ads set up mini-soap operas that drawus in inexorably before we know it; another, for the Institute for theDeaf, hits home with bitter irony. The ads make clever, punk use ofmusic as language, though many, including the top award-winning alecommercial, are not shy on sexism. BABA representsadvertising agencies, production companies and television contractors,and is owned and operated by the British television and cinemaadvertising industry. The exhibition was organized in London by TonySolomon, BABA chairman, and Peter Bigg, administrator, and in New Yorkby Laurence Kardish, curator, Department of Film, The Museum of ModernArt.

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