Busman's Honeymoon (U.S.: Haunted Honeymoon)

“When Busman's Honeymoon opened...the NY Times commented that the theatre should really have set up a nice roaring fire inside and laid out carpet slippers. That seems to sum it up extremely well, as it's a typical comfortable, cosy, enjoyable British mystery that really sets out to intrigue, amuse and satisfy rather than to thrill.... Detective fiction devotees always considered the novel on which this film was based to be unquestionably the worst of all the Sayers/Whimsey books. She subtitled it ‘A love story with detective interruptions' and to a degree that might apply to the film too, though the comedy content (in the Thin Man manner) is stronger than its romantic element.
“Not since Robert Barrat's infamy in The Kennel Murder Case has any murder victim been set up with so many motives and suspects as is Roy Emerton here. And without Ralph Morgan in the cast as the ultra-helpful friend, the identity of the killer, while never too much in doubt, at least has its surprises along the way. At least one of the supporting players leads us nicely up the garden path towards the end.” W.K.E.

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