Call Her Savage

"Call Her Savage, one of It girl Clara Bow's ill-fated comeback attempts...nevertheless presents one jaw-dropper after another (including) a Greenwich Village gay bar favored by 'wild poets and anarchists' with a pair of flouncing queens in frilly aprons providing the floor show....But nothing in Call Her Savage is more bizarre than Bow herself as a manic debutante in continual danger of bursting out of her dress. Jumping, gesticulating, roughhousing with her dog, engaging in inane repartee, Bow's a perpetual motion machine, a breakdown waiting to happen (it did). Her uncontrollable nature is explained by her secret, half-Indian origins. This bit of racist pandering would have been impossible two years later. The worst sin in the Code was miscegenation."-J. Hoberman, "Hollywood Before the Code," Village Voice

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