Canadian Experimental Cinema: Tactile Visions

Visions (Gariné Torossian, 1992, 4 mins): A film within a film exploring the body in motion, frame by frame. Mondrian Voor Rebecca (John Gagné, 1989, 3 mins): "I'm very certain it's about the 30km dyke in the north of Holland...I'm positive it's about being on an exquisite land/water edge and I'm assured it involves Rebecca, whom I barely know, and Mondrian, whom I barely know, and windmills." 98.3K (Bridge at Electrical Storm) (Al Razutis, 1973, 13 mins): The spectacular transformations of a suspension bridge simulate the sensations of an electrical storm twenty years before virtual reality. For the Time Being (Lenni Workman, 1992, 16 mins): An impressionistic look at light, water, ruins, and vegetation as an expression of time. Install (Mike Hoolboom, 1990, 8 mins): "What Install proposes is a gunshot marriage between two actions: the installation of art and the internment of bodies...Hoolboom's intent in joining these images is revealed in the soundtrack which features three death stories" (Paul Couillard). Cloister (Carl Brown, 1991, 33 mins, B&W, From Canyon Cinema): There is a hint of seclusion, an idea from the past re-worked and still dangerous...We cluster for the cloister. Peggy's Blue Skylight (Joyce Wieland, 1965-86, 12 mins): Filmed in Joyce Wieland and Michael Snow's loft in New York. The film covers a day of friends visiting, of writing and drawing, from noon of one day to dawn of the next.

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