Canale Grande

“I take my wishes for reality because I believe in the reality of my wishes”: the cry of Paris, May '68 is also the key note of Canale Grande, a new feature by the highly individual Austrian video artist, filmmaker and underground superstar Friederike Pezold. Herein, Pezold says goodbye to the world of pre-packaged, merchandized media and opens up her own “grand canal,” or Radio Free Utopia. Wandering around Berlin with a closed-circuit t.v. on her back, she plays the inquiring reporter with deadpan humor. The result is a one-to-one t.v. network that makes its programming as it goes along; more than art-in-action, it is media inspired by, and geared to, the individual reality of wishes. Shot by Elfi Mikesch, one of the most formally innovative of German women filmmakers (see January 29), Canale Grande is also a stage for a tongue-in-cheek display of underground haute couture. Pezold's previous feature is Toilette (1979); her video work has shown at the Museum of Modern Art and Whitney Museum in New York.

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