Carmen from Kawachi

A wonderful if little known addition to the "Carmen" films (to coin a genre), Carmen from Kawachi brings the nihilist Suzuki universe to a woman's life in the decidedly unsentimental education of a provincial factory worker, Tsuyuko (Yumiko Nogawa), whose rape by two fellow villagers starts her on the road to sexual awareness and finally, independence. It is a long, picaresque road indeed, meandering from Osaka's Club Dada, through liaisons with, among others, a dominatrix and an action painter. The encounter that brings the story full circle is with a corrupt monk who had been her primal introduction to sexual hypocrisy and male brutality. This B feature was designed to play with Imamura's Insect Woman, and like that lepidopteran lass, Tsuyuko has a tenacity that amounts to a killing charm. You have to love the Suzuki heroine because nobody else does.

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