A small plane attempts to navigate a storm-portent of an impending disaster.... Images repeat, history repeats.... Looking back at one's past, wondering, “What happened?”.... These new films by major American experimental filmmakers explore narrative and history through fragments, mood, and metaphor, accompanied by silence or laments. Evoking a sense of contemporary anxiety, they are films for our times-cautionary tales, concerned with safety, peril, and hope. This program is dedicated to Stan Brakhage, who passed away March 9.

National Archive V. 1 (Travis Wilkerson, 2001, 15 mins). Daylight Moon (Lewis Klahr, 2002, 13 mins). Megalopolis (Jim Jennings, 2002, 7 mins). untitled (light) (Julie Murray, 2002, 5 mins). And Then... (Abraham Ravett, 2002, 7 mins). Flora's Film: not a film about Eadweard Muybridge (Michael Wilson, 2002, 15 mins). Out of the Ether (Kerry Laitala, 2003, 11 mins). Ultima Thule (Janie Geiser, 2002, 10 mins). Resurrectus Est (Stan Brakhage, 2002, 9 mins).

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