
Jean-Marie Téno inadvertently becomes witness to some popular justice being meted out to a boy whose life is at risk for stealing a hen and four chicks; later, he happens upon a note listing the husband's rule of law within the household. These incidents encourage him to embark upon a reflection on inequalities in Cameroon, a country where the widespread cult of the chief has become a cynical caricature of its traditional African concept. Incorporating documentary footage from the 1991 pro-democracy uprisings, Téno draws a biting portrait of corruption, violence, and misery-the real triumvirate that rules political and personal lives in his home country. Shown with: Konaté's Gift (Le Truc de Konaté) (Fanta Régina Nacro, Burkina Faso 1997, 32 mins (addition: Betacam)): Returning from a journey of discovery, Konaté explains that AIDS is like a hyena circling the village.

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