A Child's Garden and the Serious Sea

Preceded by short: Agnus Dei Kinder Synapse (1991, 4.5 mins). Stan Brakhage, who recently celebrated his sixtieth birthday, has been making films for at least forty years and has close to two hundred films listed in Canyon Cinema's catalog. While a number of his films since the late 1980s have complexly explored sound/image relationships, in tonight's two works he returns to his silent cinema, a cinema of exquisite visuals, here creating wondrous childhoods. Brakhage discussed A Child's Garden and The Serious Sea in a letter to the poet Ronald Johnson: "The pun 'out on a limn' kept ringing through my mind as I caught the hairs of side-light off ephemera of objects tangent to (my wife) Marilyn's childhood: She grew up in Victoria; and there I was in her childhood backyard." Brakhage later added, "and then there was The Sea-not as counter-balance but as hidden generator of it all, of the The World to be discovered by the/any child..."

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