Chinese Porters and A Little for My Heart, A Little for My God

Chinese Porters (Herv?and Renaud Cohen, France, 1993) An enchanting film about the bringing of cinema to remote areas. Deep in the province of Sichuan, a woman and two men travel around the countryside climbing forbidding terrain to present outdoor film shows which link up with pre-existing festivals. Films and projectors are carried on the shoulders on yokes where water buckets once hung, but new technologies and economic changes now threaten this road-show entertainment. (26 mins, In French and Chinese wth English subtitles, Color, 16mm) A Little for My Heart, A Little for My God: A Muslim Women's Orchestra (Brita Landoff, Sweden 1993) In the gender-segregated culture of Algeria, celebrations have two components-the women's and the men's. An all-woman orchestra frequently will perform for female celebrants who, away from the sight of men, remove their veils and dance at these raucous gatherings. A Little for My Heart... is a portrait of one such orchestra which includes two gay men whose presence is not only tolerated but shielded. The earthy rai songs are collected by young women (which upsets their brothers: "the devil whispers in her ear"). But for the older musicians, this way of life and livelihood is threatened by the emergence of younger, less traditional bands. (58 mins, In French with English subtitles, Color, 3/4" Video)

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