Chitty Chitty Bang Bang

Recommended for ages 7+. Dick Van Dyke is Caractacus Potts, an eccentric inventor who, at the request of his children Jeremy and Jemima, rescues a junked race car and transforms it into a fabulous flying, floating, motoring machine. The trio and their new friend Truly Scrumptious embark on a fantastical adventure that takes them to the faraway kingdom of Vulgaria. There, children are outlawed, and Grandpa Potts has been captured by the evil Baron Bomburst. With a script by Roald Dahl (of Willy Wonka fame) based on a book by Ian Fleming (of James Bond fame) and complemented by the Oscar–nominated music of the Sherman brothers (of Mary Poppins fame), this fabulous fantasy has something for everyone. So sit back and enjoy the ride!

Coming Up!
Sunday, November 10 at 2:00: Superman: The Movie, the 1978 original with Christopher Reeve. "Great fun!"-Leonard Maltin.

Sunday, December 8 at 2:00: Robin Hood, the 1922 silent starring Douglas Fairbanks, presented with live keyboard accompaniment by Jon Mirsalis.

Joanne Parsont, Youth Film Programmer

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