Friday, Nov 30, 2012
7 pm
To Chris Marker, An Unsent Letter
Chris Marker was legendary for his resistance to tributes, to summings up, to slatherings of praise. He was notably reclusive, though surrounded by a coterie of fellow dabblers and all things small and furry. Thus it is supremely appropriate that Emiko Omori's fond hommage to Marker should be a letter “unsent.” Collating the recollections of familiars and fans, such as Tom Luddy, David Thomson, Peter Scarlet, and Marina Goldovskaya, Omori has fashioned a global romp through Marker's intentionally murky past. His exemplary duo, La jetée and Sans soleil, is pithily placed at the center of a life obscure and desirous. Perhaps Omori's greatest tribute to Marker is in honoring his beautifully manicured mystery, the ambiguous outlines of his life and art. A Letter Unsent arrives post-haste nonetheless.
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