Chuck Berry: Hail! Hail! Rock'n'Roll

After two hours devoted to exploring his genius, Chuck Berry, the daddy of rock'n'roll, emerges as a sphinx in this documentary that combines interviews with concert footage of Berry's sixtieth birthday bash featuring Keith Richards, Etta James, Eric Clapton and others. Examiner critic Michael Sragow calls the film "a curious, unsatisfying, sometimes cheery, sometimes scary filmed record of a star who may be an enigma even to himself." But roll over, Michael; Calendar's Bill Wyman waxes entirely enthusiastic: "The best rock and roll movie I've even seen. It manages to present a short history of American music, probe the psyche of one of rock's most mercurial stars, spell out with remarkable clarity the disparate elements that made up Berry's genius...and along the way present some of the rockin'est, saddest, sweetest, gutsiest-in a word, Berry-est-concert footage captured on film."

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